German language course LMU Munich

General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

Clause 1 Scope of application - Subject matter of the contract

(1)    Our GTC apply to the provision of all our services in conjunction with the organization of our events in the widest sense (particularly excursions, trips, congresses, (language) courses, events etc.)

(2)    Our GTC are applicable for consumers and companies unless there is a differentiation in the relevant clause.

Clause 2 Offer to contract and conclusion of contract

The contract is concluded upon the student’s booking request and our relevant booking confirmation; typically both will be communicated by email or online form.

Clause 3 Prices and terms of payment

(1)    The student is obliged to pay the price of the booked services including all applicable transaction and exchange fees.

(2)    With the conclusion of the contract, the (deposit) payment in the amount of the relevant program description becomes due as soon as the conformation is issued. The (deposit) payment is a non-refundable registration charge. The rest of the payment becomes due at the date stated in the relevant program description.

(3)    The prices are gross for net, because we as a non-profit association are generally not subject to VAT. If the period between the conclusion of the contract and the performance of the contract is more than four months, particularly due to unforeseen events, and the travel expenses or the duties for particular services such as bus or train tickets increase, the agree price may be changed by the difference in accordance with the increase of the booking price per person or per seat. In the event of any changes, we will notify the student immediately. However, the price may change up to the 21st day before commencement of the event. If the price increases by more than 5% of the regular price, the student shall have the right to cancel the contract free of charge or to ask for participation in another equivalent event from our program insofar as we are able to offer such substitution. The student shall claim the aforesaid rights vis-à-vis us immediately after receiving our information about the price increase.

Clause 4 Changes in the services

(1)     Changes and deviations of individual event services from the agreed content of the contract that become necessary after conclusion of the contract and that are not brought about against good faith are permitted insofar as they are not substantial and do not affect the overall arrangement of the booked event.

(2)    Any changes to the event shall be communicated to the student by us immediately after we have gained knowledge thereof.

(3)    If the a main event services change substantially, the student shall have the right to the contract free of charge or to ask for participation in another, at lease equivalent event from our program insofar as we are able to offer such substitution. The student shall claim the aforesaid rights vis-à-vis us immediately after receiving our information about the changed event.

Clause 5 Liability for damage

(1)    Our liability in contractual breaches of duty as well as in tort is limited to intent and gross negligence.  This does not apply in the event of loss of life, personal injury or health impairment, i.e. duties derived from the nature of the contract and where breach of thereof jeopardizes attainment of the goals of the contract. Insofar, we shall be liable for every degree of fault in cases of violation of cardinal duties, but only for foreseeable damages.

(2)    Insofar as we are liable for other damage, our liability shall be limited to the threefold of the price. The limitation of liability also applies if the damage is caused due to the fault of a service provider.

(3)    Our contractual liability shall be excluded or limited if and to the extend that, under international agreements (or statutory provisions based on such) are applicable to the services to be rendered by a service provider, whose liability is also excluded or limited.

(4)    Insofar as liability for damages for minor negligence not relating to injury to life, limb or health or the customer is not excluded, such claims lapse within a year commencing with the assertion of the claim. 

Clause 6 Specific duties of the student

(1)    All students participating in our events must have reached the age of 18 and should be enrolled in a college or university or be young professionals.

(2)    Each participant shall have the basic know how about the knowledge stated in the event description that may be necessary for the booked event.

(3)    We shall retain the copyright to all material that the students receive within the scope of the events organized by us. Such material shall not be copied, sold or made available to third parties without our prior written consent. This shall apply regardless of whether we are the authors of such material or only licensees.

(4)    Any behaviour and conduct that might endanger the safe and peaceful process of an event and the friendly and tolerant cooperation shall be refrained from and may lead to exclusion from a program.

Clause 7 Cancellation

(1)    We shall be entitled to cancel the contract if the minimum number of participants stated by us has not been reached. We shall be obliged to explain the cancellation before the payment for the event is due to the student, but on the 14th day before the agreed commencement of the event at the latest. If it becomes clear at an early point in time that the minimum number of participants cannot be reached, we shall be obliged to exercise our right to cancellation immediately.

In the event that we cancel the contract, the student will immediately be refunded the payment he made (registration fee, course fee, accommodation fee) if he does not make use of his right to book another event at least equal to the cancelled one (insofar as we are able to fulfil the booking).

(2)    Apart from that, the student shall be entitled to cancel his registration only in the following circumstances while the right of cancellation stated below in clause 8 shall remain unaffected: (The cancellation rules at the program websites may deviate from these GTC.)

Cancellation before the registration closing:
The registration fee is not refundable.
All other deposits will be fully refunded.

Cancellation after registration closing:
The registration fee is not refundable.
If accommodation was booked, the deposit for the rent may not be refunded.

Cancellation 4 weeks before commencement of the course:
The registration fee is not refundable.
If accommodation was booked, the deposit for the rent will not be refunded and 50% of the course deposit fees will not be refunded.

Cancellation 3 days before commencement of the course:
The registration fee is not refundable.
If an accommodation was booked, the deposit for the rent will not be refunded and 80% of the deposit for the course fees will not be refunded.

§ 8.    Cancellation policy

(The cancellation rules at the program websites may deviate from these GTC.)

8.1    Right of cancellation

As a consumer you have the right to cancel this agreement within 14 days without providing reasons.

The cancellation period is 14 days as of conclusion of the contract.

To be able to exercise your right of cancellation, you are obliged to inform us (Internationaler Universitätsclub München e. V. (IUCM e.V.) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), c/o International Affairs Geschwister Scholl Platz 1, 80539 Munich, Germany, Fax: +49 89 288036689, email: about your intention to cancel the contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter or email). If you decide to make use of this option, we will send you (e.g. by email) a confirmation about the receipt of such cancellation. 

The deadline for the cancellation is deemed to have been observed if you send the notification about your exercise of the right of cancellation before the deadline for the cancellation expires.

8.2    Consequences of cancellation

If you cancel this contract, we shall refund all payments you made to us, including delivery costs (except for additional costs that may arise if you choose another way of delivery than the most favorable standard delivery we offer) within 14 days as of the date on which we receive the notification about your cancellation of the contract. We will use the same method of payment to refund you the amount that you originally used to pay the amount provided nothing to the contrary has been agreed upon with you. Under no circumstances will we charge you any fees for this refund. 

If you demanded the services to be provided during the period of cancellation, you shall be obliged to pay us an appropriate amount that equals the portion of the services with regard to the overall services set forth in the contract that has been provided to you before you notified us about the cancellation of the contract.

Clause 9 Termination due to force majeure and reasons of conduct

We shall have the right to terminate the contract if an event is impeded, endangered or compromised due to force majeure or directives by the authorities and obligations . Furthermore, we shall have the right to terminate the agreement without notice if - despite a warning pronounced by us - the student disturbs the peace or behaves contrary to the contract terms to such an extent that the immediate annulment of the contract is justified. If we terminate the contract, we reserve the right to payment of the event, but must offset any amounts saved, as well as those payments received that result from utilisation by others of the services not used including any sums credited to the student by the service provider.

Clause 10 Form and declarations

Legally relevant declarations and explanations which are to be submitted to us by the student require written form pursuant to Section 126 b German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch; BGB)

Clause 11 Place of performance, applicable law

(1)     Unless otherwise stated in this contract, the place of performance and payment shall be our association's headquarters. The legal stipulations regarding the place of jurisdiction remain unaffected.

(2)    The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.
